Lublin References
References used in Keynote Lecture at ECREA RAdio Relations 2017 in Lublin.
Berry, Richard (2014) “The future of radio is the internet, not on the internet” in Radio: The Resilient Medium Eds: Oliveira, M., Stachyra, G., Starkey, G. Sunderland: Centre for Research in Media and Cultural Studies, pp.3-15.
Bonini T (2015) The ‘second age’ of podcasting: reframing podcasting as a new digital mass medium. Quaderns del CAC 41 18(July): 21–30.
boyd, danah (2006) ‘A blogger’s Blog: exploring the definition of a medium’ Reconstruction 6(4) –
Burgess, Jean, Green, Joshua. (2009). YouTube. Cambridge, England: Polity.
Dubber, Andrew (2013) Radio in the Digital Age. Cambridge, UK: Polity
Huntsberger, Michael & Stavitksy, Alan G (2007) “The New ‘Podagogy’: incorporating Podcasting into Journalism Education” – Accessed via:
Lindgren, Mia.(2014) ‘This Australian life’: The Americanisation of radio storytelling in Australia [online]. Australian Journalism Review, Vol. 36, No. 2, Dec 2014: 63-75
Lacey, Kate. (2008). Ten years of radio studies: The very idea. Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media, 6(1), pp.21-32
Lotz, Amanda (2017) ‘Portals: A treatise on internet distributed television’ Michigan, Maize Books
Markman, Kris (2012) Doing radio, making friends, and having fun: Exploring the motivations of independent audio podcasters, New Media and Society, Volume 14(4) pp547-565
Markman, Kris. and Sawyer, Caroline. (2014). Why Pod? Further Explorations of the Motivations for Independent Podcasting. Journal of Radio & Audio Media, 21(1), pp.20-35
Menduni, Enrico. (2007). “Four steps in innovative radio broadcasting: From QuickTime to podcasting” The Radio Journal – International Studies in Broadcast and Audio Media 5(1) pp9-18
Meserko, Vincent. (2015). The pursuit of authenticity on Marc Maron’s WTF podcast.’ Continuum, 29(6), pp.796-810.
Murray, Simone. (2009). Servicing ‘self-scheduling consumers’: Public broadcasters and audio podcasting. Global Media and Communication, 5(2), pp.197-219.
The New School. (2015). Serial and the Podcast Explosion | Journalism+Design. [Online Video]. 06 February. Available from: Accessed: 14 January 2016
Pedersen, Brigette Stougard & Have, Iben (2012) ‘Conceptualising the audiobook experience’ Sound Effects 2(2) 80-94
Pérez, J. Ignacio Gallego (2012). Podcasting in Spain: A new business model or a reflection of traditional radio?. Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media, 10(1), pp.23-34
Ragusea, Adam. (2015). Three ways podcasts and radio actually aren’t quite the same. [online] Available at:
Sterne, Jonathan, Morris, Jeremy, Brendan Baker, Michael, Moscote Freire, Ariana (2008) “The Politics of Podcasting” Fibreculture Issue 13 (FCJ – 087) Accessed via: Accessed December 2015
Tacchi J (2000) The need for radio theory in the digital age. International Journal of Cultural Studies 3(2): 289–298.